The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
meglio odiati che compatiti It's better to be hated than to be pitied
mi fa disperare drives me to distraction/exasperate me
Entered by: Janice Giffin
misurando i gesti with the careful eye
modi di fare ways
muovere bene il sedere sway her hips
NdT TN (Translator's Note)
nel bene e nel male for better or for worse
Entered by: Angela Arnone
non addetto ai lavori as a mere layman
non ammette alibi takes no prisoners
paletta hand held stop/traffic sign
Parigi è valsa una messa Paris is (well) worth a mass
passi falsi rush through carelessly
pendiamo dalle sue labbra we hang/are hanging on his every word
Entered by: Michele Fauble
per (mero) scrupolo out of sheer conscientiousness
per apposizioni successive in successive steps, gradually, progressively
perturbante disturbance
Entered by: Tom in London
pezzo forte pièce de résistance, specialty piece, big number
Poca brigata, vita beata. too many cooks spoil the broth
Poche chiacchere! Less of the chit-chat! / Enough said!
Entered by: Jasmina Towers
pochi maledetti e subito damned hard to earn/scrape together and easily/readily spent - bloody earnings
portabandiera (in this context) standard bearer/flagship/byword
portamagneti magnet holding (wheel) / magnet carrying (wheel)
Entered by: Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
potrà farne di tutti i colori He can make his mark
premio fedeltà al lavoro work (or employee) loyalty prize
prendersi la balla to get drunk/plastered
prendi la cellulite per la gola Beat cellulite by what you eat
Prima o poi mi libereró e allora la mia ira si abatterá su di te. Sooner or later I´ll be free and then my rage will burst upon you
produzione intelletuale intellectual work
Entered by: Janice Giffin
propostificio proposal shop
pseudo marchette pseudo-literary outpourings
Entered by: Lara Barnett
qui sotto tutto bene We\'ve got you covered!
repertorio reference number
Entered by: gianfranco
Riallargare le maglie To relax one's purse strings again
ridere sotto i baffi to snigger
Rientrate nei margini! Behave!
sano come un pesce as fit as a fiddle/as sound as a bell
sappiamo dosare le nostre forze we know how to gauge our strengths
sbatterci la faccia find out the hard way
sbirraglia rozzers (fam)
scalare il capo To go over the boss' head
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
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