The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
"i giochi sono fatti" The games's up/the game is up
(non è) farina del tuo sacco not the fruit of your labor/not earned by the sweat of your brow/to try to sell s.o. else's mule/to steal so else's thunder
Entered by: Mara Ballarini
(spostare l') ago della bilancia to tip the scale/balance
a 360 gradi whole-heartedly
a buon titolo with good reason/justifiably
a chi osa insieme if we (all) work together
a fare da ago della bilancia which held the balance of power
Entered by: Tom in London
a misura d'uomo on a human scale
A segno che So that
a torto o a ragione rightly or wrongly
abitano sugli alberi <translate literally>
Entered by: BdiL
acchiappare per i capelli by the skin-of-the-teeth
Accorrete numerosi COME ON DOWN!!!
acqua in bocca pipe down
ai fini indicati for the purposes stated
ai fini indicati with the indicated purposes
Al contadino non far sapere quant'è buono il cacio con le pere Don't let the farmer know how good is the pear with the cheese.
al volo at a glance, right away, right off the bat
All'amore a prima vista spesso serve l'oculista If it's love at first sight, your glasses ain't right
Altro che so much for
ambo, terno e quaterna blah, blah, blah
ampio scarico per il mandato relieved of any wrong-doing/not liable
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
Andare a bottega be the apprentice
andare in protezione to go /to turn into self-protection mode
antifascista per la pelle dyed-in-the-wool antifascist
appartarsi (see context) decided to slip away to a private room
apporto contributions
avere una marcia in più to be one step ahead
avvocato delle cause perse defender/champion/advocate of lost causes
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
badare al sodo more down-to-earth/isn't usually given to (such) flights of fancy
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
balena bianca white whale (Moby Dick)
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
basta una pagliuzza per dare fuoco a tutto il campo A single spark can start a prairie fire
battitore libero lone rider/wolf/hand, free spirit etc. - see options
Entered by: Sarah Weston
bollire in pentola something's going on
botte di ferro to be on sure ground (o home and dry)
braccino corto tight fisted
Buona Domenica hello, (having a) good weekend?
Entered by: Lara Barnett
can che abbaia non morde His bark is bigger/worse than his bite
carro trainante driving force
carta vincente "the winner hands-down"
Entered by: Gary Presto
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