The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Translation Glossary

French term English translation
exonérer free from
expertise expert evaluation, expert knowledge
Entered by: Diane de Cicco
Expression de la pensée sociale sur le terrorisme et phénomènes d'implication Expression of social thinking
faits de société social developments / trends
famille d'élection Family of choice
Entered by: Helene Tammik
famille recomposée blended family / reconstituted family
fécondité achevée achieved fertility
fécondité cumulée cumulative fertility
fécondité du moment current fertility
Entered by: liz askew
Fête de la jeunesse laïque Secular youth festival
femme rassembleur a (motherly) unifying/binding figure/a mother hen type
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
fichage policier keeping (police) files
fonctionnaires vs. employés publics civil servants vs. public sector employees
fonctionnement initiatique initiation functions
formation qualifiante skills training / practical training
formes de vie ways of life
fracture sociale social divide
frittage to touch someone up
gens du voyage itinerants and other transient people
Grand Couvreur Tyler/Tiler
grand renfermement great confinement
Haute Qualité d\'Usage High quality of use
il revient à chaque peuple de faire valoir son art et sa culture It is the prerogative of every people to promote its own art and culture.
immigration de peuplement settlement immigration
inactivité Inactive
Entered by: Lara Barnett
ingénierie de la concertation public consultation programme design/management
ingénieur décroissant green engineer,
instances sociales Social authorities
instruire construct, arrange
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
interroger (les représentations profanes de l’espace social) question/lead to questions
intrants input, crop input, farming input, farm supplies
J’étais pognée par la dope I was stuck on dope (hooked on drugs)
je ne serais pas If you think I\'m not part of that world
jeu du gendarme et du voleur keeping one step ahead of the game
Entered by: David BUICK
jeune en grande détresse at-risk youth
Entered by: dwinters
l'enclavement interieur poor water management and landlocked location
La loi, la lettre et l'esprit the letter and spirit of the law
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
la culture chute dans la marchandise culture is reduced to a mere commodity
La décision par adhésion et la décision partagée Decision by consensus and decision by vote
la demographie importante a significant population
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