The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English Business/Commerce (general) Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
representatief has/projects the right image
requisitie van voorraden requistion of stock
Resultaat Verantwoordelijke Eenheden profit centres; Strategic Business Units (SBUs)
Entered by: Michael Beijer
retourwissels returned bills
ricardorendement Ricardo yield
risico jaarafsluiting year-end closing risk
risicobeprijzing risk costing
roller rolodex
rotaties turnover
RSIN identification number for legal entities and associations
salarisgebouw salary structure
Entered by: Michael Beijer
samenvattende opmeting bill of quantities
Entered by: Michael Beijer
schade(s) tot minimaal claims up to at least
schapmodel Shelf displays
scherp aan de wind zeilen in context: to make the best possible use of (business) opportunities; in general: to sail close to the wind
Schoningsactie purging of files
Sector (boven branche) Industry
semi-collectief (PW) semi-group [scheme/plan] (Pensions Act)
service van de zaak a service to our customers
signalerende opstelling alerting attitude
sociaal wenselijk socially desirable
sociale eenheid social unit
speerpunt op een lijn in focus and on track
spreiding (in context of Six Sigma) spread
Staande organisatie (De) Organisation in place (The)
standstaal standard sample
statutair bestuurder manager/director under the articles of association
statuten statutes
Entered by: Katrien De Clercq
staven (here) support groups
stedelijke vestigingsmilieus urban business environments
stemopnemer(s) vote- teller, counter, tallier or collector
Stichting flexibel uittreden nutsbedrijven The Utility Corporations Flexible Retirement Foundation
Stichting Pensioenfonds ICL Nederland The ICL Pension fund
stroomautomaat & ampere-automaat no,its talking about meter seals...
structureel inleveren make sacrifices in terms of structual changes
studie- en administratiekosten research and administration fees
sturingsmechanisme control mechanism
stuwende sector propelling industries
Entered by: Antoinette Verburg
Subgunningscriteria award sub-criteria
te laten vestigen ... are prepared to have ...
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