The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Serbian to English Mechanics / Mech Engineering Translation Glossary

Serbian term English translation
rešetka truss
Refulerni bager suction dredger
reni bunar Renney well
Revizija In-Service Inspection
sistem fuga na fugu sa ispunom fuga fugomalom [laying floor tiles] edge to edge and grouting in between with grouting compound
Skinuti sa stanja subtract from the inventory list/count
sklop assembly
Entered by: Kemal Radaslic
slobodna visina podizanja free lift height
slobodni le�aj free bearing
spreg couple
standoff odstojnik
Strug sa numeričkim upravljanjem CNC lathe
Toplotne masine heat engines
Uputstvo za bezbedan i zdrav rad Health and safety instructions
uvar (seam) penetration
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
vinklovanje el. motora (electric) motor wire-winding
zaporna armatura isolation/isolating valves
кугласте подземне славине са пнеумохидрауличким и електропогонским погонима underground ball valves with pneumatic-hydraulic and electric drives
контролник за заобљења curvature meter; curvature gauge
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