The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese to English Finance (general) Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
カ)ドナーゲ DENAG Co., Ltd.
ROA加味して銘柄選別を Also pay attention to ROA in stock selection.
SQ算出日(を除くと) (excluding) SQ settlement day
Xシステムによる経理処理状況 processing status of (financial) accounts by X System
押し目買い buy on the dips in the market
投信 Investment trust (account)
投資倍率 Return on Investment (ROI)
投資案件を持っている会社 A company with investment plan(s)
柏谷 Kashiwatani's calculation
捨印 marginal seal
株式取引停止 trading moratorium
株券不所持制度 Book-entry and transfer system; electronic ownership of stock; stock held in street name
Entered by: Yuki Okada
決算対策となる益出し cross transaction
法務省民事局参事官室 Counselor's Office, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice
洗替る reverse the closing entry for prepaid expense at the beginning of next year
減債積立金取崩額 reversal [amount reversed] of sinking-fund reserve
減損会計 accounting for impaired assets
準共有持分割合 Beneficiary Interest
期首見込 beginning of period forecast, aka BOP forecast
期末 期末=End of the term / period
持分法適用関連会社 companies accounted for using the equity method
本券 certificate
振入、現入、振払および現払 Wire deposit, Cash Deposit, Wire payment, Cash payment
振替停止設定解除取引 Transaction to reinstate an automatic fund transfer arrangement
振替不能者 insolvent (or delinquent) debtor
指定代理請求人 designated proxy applicant
Entered by: David Higbee-Teves
有価証券 available-for-sale securities
日本企業...競争力維持・強化のための投資ニーズを背景として Given the need for Japanese companies to invest to maintain and enhance their competitiveness
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
日本電気株式会社 Nippon Electric Company, Limited (renamed NEC Corporation in 1983)
意識 the share price will take cues from...
数理各料率ファイル Numerical rating file
教育資金融資保証基金 Zaidan Hojin Kyoiku Shikin Yushi Hoshokikin
手形をとる receive a draft / promissory note
所有権移転外リース Leases where ownership is not transferred
所有権移転外ファイナンスリース Fianace Lease Excempt from Passage of Title
Entered by: seika
拒絶証書不要 No Protest
担保権を設定する To grant a security interest
急伸 experienced a sudden rise
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