The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Real Estate Translation Glossary

French term English translation
en équerre vers l’ouest at right angles to and to the West of
en étage élevé upper floor
en barracu country cottage or cottage
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
en blanc speculative
en dépression continue under continuous negative pressure
en fond de cour (en fonds de cours) at the back (or rear) of a (court)yard
en gros oeuvre 'the (bare) shell
en l’état as is
en maçonnerie de roches et d'agglomérés natural stone and breeze block masonry
en planches vegetable garden
en plus comme en moins be it more or less
en portefeuille in the planning stage
en propre by the company itself
en restituant le double by repaying twice the amount
en second rang junior; second ranking
en troublant sa jouissance infringement of right to possession/quiet enjoyment
Entered by: AllegroTrans
en ZA industrial zone / business park
en zone d’equipement d’intérêt collectif ou de service public in an area containing public or community facilities
Entered by: EirTranslations
en ______ originaux in (number of) original copies
encaissonnement casing/enclosure
ENCP borrower's commitment not to transfer the loan ("engagement de non cession des parts")
ensemble immobilier complexe mixed property development with overlapping proprietor volumes
entrée differée (please see context) [should a co-tenant] move in at a later date
entrée en jouissance before taking/coming into possession
entrée en jouisssance taking possession, entering into possession
entrée technique service entrance
Entered by: Lara Barnett
erreur de contenance de l'assiette cadastrale errors in the area(s) as noted by the Land Registry
et demeuré sans effet. has not been complied with
Entered by: Lara Barnett
et les 690/100.000 èmes and 690/100,000 ths
etat d'usage working condition
Etat des Charges statement of charges
Entered by: Paula Price
Etat hypothécaire Mortgage status
executoire par provision provisionally enforceable
exemplaire en matière de maîtrise environnementale a shining example of environmental efficiency
exercer toutes les poursuites, contraintes oru diligences nécessaires use legal or other recourses as required
exercice application/implementation
expert dans tous les corps de métiers literally
expertise immobilière property valuation
exploitation fonctionnelle (functional) operation
externalisation de ses locaux Selling up offices/office space/office buildings and leasing [back] office space
Entered by: Tamara Salvio
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