The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English Other Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
rapporteringspeilers reporting assessment
regie (here) well-produced / well-coordinated
regie-uren; regie uren regie hours (used as is); cost-plus hours
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Relatiegeschenken coporate gifts
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
requirementsanalyse BAI (voorgestane) stijl requirements analysis in the BAI (preferred) style
resultaatspoor results tracker
salarisstroken in een vensterenvelop Wage slips in a window envelope
schierongevallen near-accidents/near-incidents
secondaire arbeidsvoorwaarden fringe benefits
sellogram sales diagram; sales matrix
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Sierknopje Fancy/decorative button / earring
sociale partners management and labour
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Software aanrekening Software charge
staakdatum cancellation date
stuifdijk drift dike/dune dike
stuurt bij en hierbij adjust where necessary and this may deviate from.
Tang (Gaf xx de kans yyy in zijn ... te krijgen) Clutches/ grip (Gave xx a chance to get yyy in his clutches/ get a grip on yyy/ get yyy in his grip))
thematiseren discuss/ deal with/ consider the issue of
Thuiswacht on-call team
toelating authorisation/authorization
tot in elke vezel leven inblazen imbue everything they do/all their activities
totale belevingsomgeving complete experiential environment
Entered by: Textpertise
trajectbegeleider case worker, personal coach/consultant, route counsellor, program assistant, learning path/integration path counsellor
troffelvloeren trowelled floors/flooring
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
Tropenrooster hot weather schedule
trouwambtenaar registrar, solemniser, officiant, marriage officer (SA)
tuttig prissy/prim/staid
uitloop phase-out period
Uitvoerings Overleg Alerteren (UO-A) Implementations of the alerts conference/consultation/plan
uitvragen stipulated
vercommercialiseren can't be forced into a sales & marketing mould
verdiepingsslag additional research
verdroging dessication
veredelingsverkeer processing traffic
verstelling adjustment
vertrouwend op een goede samenwerking Looking forward to a successful collaboration
vervolgtraject subsequent stage
verwijderingsbijdrage disposal fee
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
Vestigingsgetuigschrift Business licence/establishment licence
vet (dansje) cool
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