The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English Mechanics / Mech Engineering Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
kabellastbegrenzer cable load limiter
keerkast baffle box/chamber
kelf shackle
kerfslagwaarde notch bar impact value
kiepbord tilting plate
kiphevel toggle/tumbler, lever switch, toggle switch
Klak Registration system for cathodic protection in pipelines
Entered by: Peter van der Hoek
klapper met buigslede slide holder, folding jig with bending carriage or bender
kleinmateriaal sundries (depending on context); also miscellaneous
klembuis of dompel type clamping tube or plunger/immersion type
Kleplichten lifting the valve
Kleprotomaat automatic valve rotator
Entered by: John Holloway
klokgetal vector group
Entered by: Neil Cross
knikken, uitknikken (here) folding, fully folded // also: buckling
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
kokerbalk box beam, box section, tubular section, box girder
kokersnijder cylinder cutter / tube cutter
Entered by: Annabel Rautenbach
kooimaaier reel mower
kopaanslag head stop
Entered by: Félicien Sirois
koptrommel head drum
Entered by: Evren Madran
kopzetting end fold(ing)
KRAAGLAGER flanged bearing, collar thrust bearing
kruisnaaldproduktiemeter cross-pointer production meter
KVD Koppeling pressure valve???
lasblauw blue heat mark(s)
laskamer fishing surface (voor lassen van spoorstaven)
lassam (lassamenstelling) weldment
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
lassen met een rustige boog quiescent arc welding
lateraal vorkenbord lateral fork skid plates, lateral fork skid platform
lijnbaanolie guideway lubrication / lubricating oil
listings [folding and printing machines] continuous form, continuous feed (output)
liters druk en retour supply and return flow rates
loopdraaistel running bogie
luchthandjes air hose couplings
Luchttafel air (conveyor) table
Entered by: Maria Schneider
maatvastheid dimensional accuracy
massaklem earth clamp / earth terminal
maximaalkoppeling safety clutch; safety coupling
Meldebestand (re)order point; reorder level
Entered by: Henk Peelen
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