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Search results: (1130 matches)
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 Важно: внезапная стремянка! Питерское метро, выход в
город со станции "Спасская",
вывеска: Внимание! Крутая
лестница! Attention! Abrupt
Mikhail Kropotov Jan 20, 2011
Business issues Negotiating rates or what's going on in the world today? Respectfully disagree [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: This is true, as you dig
deeper into the subject/content you are pacing up
( warming up) and it's going faster. However, you
didn't include the tiredness factor, n
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 23, 2010
Business issues Negotiating rates or what's going on in the world today? Economies of scale [quote]David Wright wrote: I don't get it.
Translators are offering discounts for large
quantities. The work doesn't get any faster just
cos it's a large quantity. A vendor that sells a
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 23, 2010
Business issues Negotiating rates or what's going on in the world today? Sorry to say this, but you are only helping them Look at it this way: You not only caved in on
rates, but also helped them find someone who works
for half your rate. With this sort of negotiation
practices, you are effectively validat
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 23, 2010
Money matters 21p/minute telephone interpreting? No, I would not work for this rate However, someone else might. You either take it or
leave it... A very simple choice. Good

[Edited at 2010-12-03 15:38 GMT]
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 3, 2010
Lighter side of trans/interp At least Google Translate is good for something Thank you! This made my day! Mikhail Kropotov Dec 2, 2010
Russian Странный тест. Встречали такое? Уточнение [quote]Nikita Kobrin wrote: [quote]Andrei
Vybornov wrote: Вы согласились на
тест в качестве редактора?
Вы срок
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 17, 2010
Russian Нуждаюсь в команде Здравствуйте! Думаю, участие в команде
может быть для Вас
выходом. Не могли бы Вы
описать свои области
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 16, 2010
Russian Странный тест. Встречали такое? Вам предложили выполнить рецензию Все довольно просто - Вам
предложили проверить тесты
переводчиков. Однако не
стоило выклады
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 14, 2010
Translation Theory and Practice the hardest word to translate in the world This is exaggerated [quote]İbrahim Tutuncuoglu wrote: Pochemuchka is
a Russian word that refers to that person asking
many questions. [/quote] In English, 'A
Thousand Whys' or simply 'inquisitive' will
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 12, 2010
Translation news Billionaire owner of the New Jersey Nets, Mikhail Prokhorov, is bringing his upscale Russian-language magazine to U.S. stores Hrm... I don't see the point of marketing an NBA team
globally. It's not a product nor a
service. Translating Snob would not make any sense
either. Things like that are better localized or
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 9, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you pull an all-nighter to work on a translation assignment? Plenty of midnight oil to burn Like Anton, I prefer getting a big bulk of work
done in one long stretch, then relaxing or
switching to other chores/errands. If I have to
work at night, that's no problem. It's faster too
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 9, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of the following do you most value in a Project Manager? Intelligence While I agree with Jon O specifically (concise
communication), I value an intelligent PM overall.
Stupid PMs are usually a sign of trouble, and
believe me, I've seen plenty of both kinds t
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 4, 2010
Russian Онлайн словари Да, всё индивидуально Да, Андрей. Выше я уже
описал, для чего использую
словари и как. Это
абсолютно индивидуально, и
я тольк
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 2, 2010
Russian Онлайн словари Ответы [quote]Rodion Shein wrote: Браво,
Михаил! Мне вот пока не
удалось все выучить —
иногда приходится
заглядывать, �
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 2, 2010
Russian Онлайн словари Кому как [quote]Andrej wrote: И надо
обязательно иметь словарь
Lingvo на компьютере. Стоит он
недорого, а пользы от него
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 2, 2010
Money matters How's this for nerve: major LSP will require a 5% discount from their "translation partners" That's to be expected Someone said, 'To be successful, you have to
project an image of success.' Every company has to
brag on their website to impress potential
clients, even if their business is in dire
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 29, 2010 job systems Does Connect really offer premium jobs? Thanks Thanks Henry, Laurent and Robert. From now on I
will treat Connect jobs as regular ones, unless or
until they improve. I was hoping to draw
attention to this kind of ad as bad practice,
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 29, 2010 job systems Does Connect really offer premium jobs? Today I received the following invitation through Connect: [quote] Good morning, we
are loooking for an experienced English to Russian
translator for some translation project
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 29, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Is there any part of the translation process you don't really enjoy? That CAT had to be really low quality for you to lose your client... ...or you had to be really picky and protective of
your habits :) Most true CATs (don't mistake
for half-assed in-house-developed web-based
'translation tools') get the job done. I.e. t
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 28, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Is there any part of the translation process you don't really enjoy? Getting edited by incompetent peers... ...and having to defend my translations. That
pretty much sums it up. A close second would
be payment delays. Invoicing is a distant third.
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 28, 2010 suggestions Answers accuracy rating The key word is probably Acceptance I believe a very accurate name for this statistic
is "Acceptance ratio." That's what it has been
called from time to time in this community.
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 25, 2010 suggestions Answers accuracy rating Nothing is new under the moon Your idea has been discussed ad nauseam on these
forums, Dmitry. Please do a search for "ratio" and
"Kudoz" and you will see.
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 24, 2010
Business issues Withdrawing job offers unfairly Pardon me! [quote]Lloyd & Dijana Evans wrote: Frankly, all
of this is (literally)my business and I won't be
entertaining any more views on my pricing
policy!! [/quote] Pardon me for taking your<
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 21, 2010
Business issues Withdrawing job offers unfairly Agree with Dragomir [quote]Dragomir Kovacevic wrote: And you use
all this financial terminology, like special
introductory offer, volume discount - for a price
scale offered on your proz page, already bein
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 21, 2010
Business issues Withdrawing job offers unfairly Alas Unfortunately, this happens all too often. My
advice is: take it with a grain of salt, and move
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 20, 2010
KudoZ "the biggest provider" A question for native English speakers Biggest doesn't mean they provide more than 50% of total Sorry, but your translation is certainly
inaccurate. Imagine the following hypothetical
situation: A 30% B 20% C 40% D 10% With
40%, C is the "biggest" provider but doesn't
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 14, 2010
Trados support High CPU load in TagEditor 8.0 when typing Try another antivirus? I'm not suggesting that you switch to different
antivirus software for good - just try something
else out and see if it helps alleviate the CPU
load. Unfortunately, I anticipate this will
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 12, 2010
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 Шоу Орфана Уинфри Джоан Роулинг, самая
богатая писательница в
мире, заявила в эфире
ток-шоу Орфана Уинфри (Oprah
Winfrey), что
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 2, 2010
Russian Поддержим Максима Козуба +1 Максим, поправляйтесь,
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 14, 2010
Russian Снижение ставки после сдачи работы Чудеса в решете да и только [quote]Elena Gribovska wrote: А вообще
предпочитаю работать с
заказчиками, с которыми
перед началом работы
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2010
Russian Снижение ставки после сдачи работы Спасибо Спасибо, Оксана. Что
касается Вашей ситуации, у
Вас есть два варианта:
настоять на заранее
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2010
Russian Снижение ставки после сдачи работы Скажите, Оксана Какой жизненный опыт
позволяет Вам называть
себя билингвом? Простите
меня - я знаю, что это не
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 2, 2010
Russian Закончилось членство (Преимущества платного членства на В чем они заключаются?) Большие, но по 5, или по 3, но маленькие? [quote]Enote wrote: Для меня это
неизбежность. Нельзя с
российских прямых клиентов
и БП просить с
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 1, 2010
Russian Наиболее востребованная комбинация: ENG-RU или DEU-RU Камень не в мой огород [quote]Ludwig Chekhovtsov wrote: [quote]Mikhail
Kropotov wrote: Если предположить
достаточную квалификацию и
высокий уровень ка�
Mikhail Kropotov Aug 31, 2010
Russian Наиболее востребованная комбинация: ENG-RU или DEU-RU Industry vs niche Если предположить
достаточную квалификацию и
высокий уровень качества
предоставляемых услуг, то в
Mikhail Kropotov Aug 31, 2010
Russian Закончилось членство (Преимущества платного членства на В чем они заключаются?) Так деньги-то чужие "Членство длилось 2 года
(пока платил предыдущий
работодатель)" Платили не
Вы, потому и цель окупить
Mikhail Kropotov Aug 25, 2010
Translation news The word "vuvuzela" enters Oxford English Dictionary Ha-ha! You are too funny, Paul! Yet, this is a simple
case of a borrowed word. It's happened before and
it will happen again. Languages contaminate each
other, simple as that.
Mikhail Kropotov Aug 19, 2010
Translation Theory and Practice Plagiarism - deliberate and blatant - translator's responsibilties Don't raise any concerns Since you have already accepted full payment, it
would be decidedly unethical to raise any sort of
concerns to a third party. Simply distance
yourself from the fact this plagiarism existed
Mikhail Kropotov Aug 19, 2010
Russian Ищу англо-русский словарь по судостроению/морской технический словарь Простите, если встреваю со своими ненужными замечания Уважаемый Олег! Простите,
если встреваю со своими
замечаниями. Это уже не
первый и даже,
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 29, 2010
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 Что в имени тебе моем? Lebanon Леван Mikhail Kropotov Jul 27, 2010
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 Пора делать выводы Do you make deductions from workers' pay? Вы
делаете выводы из платы
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 26, 2010
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 :) :)

[Edited at 2010-07-06 12:04 GMT]
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 6, 2010
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 Небольшой ОФФ Я подписан на эту ветку уже
лет пять. И несколько
процентов оригинальных
сообщений также
Mikhail Kropotov Jun 28, 2010
Business issues Advice Needed. Quit Translation? Buy Trados? Raise your rates to attract better-paying clients I know it's easier said than done, but if your
quality is up to par, this strategy will succeed.

[Edited at 2010-06-21 15:13
Mikhail Kropotov Jun 21, 2010
KudoZ Sneaky ways to improve your KudoZ statistics Being picky about questions you answer I increased my stats significantly after I stopped
answering hundreds of questions every week
:) When I started out, I was eager to get any
points at all. I was awed by people with thou
Mikhail Kropotov Jun 16, 2010
Money matters Can outsourcers really get away with cancelling urgent projects? PO? Not sure about EU laws/regulations on this, but
getting paid is a lot easier if you receive a PO
before commencing any work. Did you, in this case?
Mikhail Kropotov Jun 11, 2010
Business issues Test, Agreement, Training, then NO Job! Some projects never materialize Sorry to hear about that, Abdelhalim. This just
goes to show that some jobs never materialize. As
long as you did not receive any POs, and the
preliminary steps required to perform on t
Mikhail Kropotov Jun 10, 2010 Translator Coop Method of sorting used in directory to be updated A Suggestion: Depreciating KudoZ Points Every community aims to encourage - and reward -
active participation, and ours is no exception. I
see this change as a means of achieving that
objective. Moreover, now could just be the t
Mikhail Kropotov Jun 2, 2010
Money matters Zero rate for 100% matches No, it's not OK You are welcome to agree to anything. You may
translate pro bono for all I care. You might even
pay other people to let you work for them. But for
the sake of all of us here, and the indus
Mikhail Kropotov May 13, 2010



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