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The technique of note-taking: tips and tricks Part 2

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Xuan Zhao
Xuan Zhao  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
Member (2016)
Chinese to English
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Letters and sentences noting or just note some marks in a simulteous interpreting Jun 3, 2016

Dear profesor:

I'm a freelance interpreter/translater. I'm wondering if is helpful to train myself on writing down marks in stead of words or sentences. Do you have any snuggestion? Thanks.

Jasmina Djordjevic
Jasmina Djordjevic  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
German to Serbian
+ ...
Letters and sentences noting or just note some marks in a simulteous interpreting Jun 9, 2016

Dear Xuan,

I am sorry for not answering earlier. I have only now seen your message.

In simultaneous interpreting, time is more limited than in consecutive. This means that notes are easier made if they are really short so that I suggest signs/ illustrations and very concise abbreviations. In consecutive interpreting, we can use a combination of signs, symbols, abbreviations and simple illustrations.

I hope this helps....
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Dear Xuan,

I am sorry for not answering earlier. I have only now seen your message.

In simultaneous interpreting, time is more limited than in consecutive. This means that notes are easier made if they are really short so that I suggest signs/ illustrations and very concise abbreviations. In consecutive interpreting, we can use a combination of signs, symbols, abbreviations and simple illustrations.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:35
Member (2004)
English to Thai
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Simultaneous interpretation Aug 24, 2016

Xuan Zhao wrote:

Dear profesor:

I'm a freelance interpreter/translater. I'm wondering if is helpful to train myself on writing down marks in stead of words or sentences. Do you have any snuggestion? Thanks.

I find note-taking of any kinds is not effective since simultaneous interpretation aims at quickest and most accurate translation verbally. I practice how to mentally remember hard-to-do phrases better e.g. those related to figures, equation, foreign terms.
Consecutive/phone/whisper interpretation is more accurate and note-taking is quite effective for me.

Soonthon L.


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The technique of note-taking: tips and tricks Part 2

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