What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Anne Louise posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished a set of medical documents for a patient coming to the US for treatment: ultrasound, immunohistochemistry, blood counts, surgical, and pathology reports. I identified nonsensical "medicalese" statements in one report and tracked down the physician in the source country, who corrected the portions garbled due to dictation and transcription errors.


I Do That

Anne Louise posting from TM-Town shared:

Implementing my new domain and HIPAA- compliant email and transferring all my contacts, automated replies, etc.


I Do That

  • španělština -> angličtina
  • Wordfast Pro 4
Anne Louise posting from ProZ.com shared:

Temporarily using my non-business email, [email protected] while I set up my new domain, email, and webpage.


I Do That

Anne Louise posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished teaching a two-hour on-line guest class on medical and technical translation in an ATA test preparation course last night. It was three time zones away from me and very late when it ended but it was so much fun I couldn't go to sleep afterward. I'm sipping a groggy 6:00 AM cafe con leche as I write this.


I Do That

Anne Louise posting from TM-Town shared:

Just finished translating a series of adverse events in a clinical trial. Confidentiality prevents sharing a sample. Documents were PDFs; OCR not allwed; unable to use CAT tool.


I Do That

  • španělština -> angličtina
  • 4000 words
  • medical (clinical trial)
Anne Louise posting from TM-Town shared:

I'm in between jobs. Watching webinars and reading medical journals to keep my skills  sharp.


I Do That
