GlossPost: Occupational titles (dan,eng > dan,eng)
Thread poster: Daphne Theodoraki
Daphne Theodoraki
Daphne Theodoraki  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:28
Swedish to Greek
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May 11, 2007

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Posted by: Daphne Theodoraki

Title: Occupational titles

Source language(s): dan,eng

Target language(s): dan,eng

Source: CIRIUS (Authority within the Danish Ministry of Education)



Occupational titles in Danish and their English translation by the competent Danish authorities.


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Posted by: Daphne Theodoraki

Title: Occupational titles

Source language(s): dan,eng

Target language(s): dan,eng

Source: CIRIUS (Authority within the Danish Ministry of Education)



Occupational titles in Danish and their English translation by the competent Danish authorities.



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Pernille Chapman
Pernille Chapman  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:28
Member (2004)
English to Danish
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Interessant for os "ikke-translatører!" Jun 5, 2007

Tak for tippet, Daphne - det er sikkert en nyttig oversigt i en række sammenhænge. Jeg kunne dog ikke lade være at studse over, at jeg, som faglært "Translator", ifølge listen så også er "Translatør". Det har jo været diskuteret mange gange tidligere, men ifølge Translatørforeningen må jeg netop ikke kalde mig "Translatør", fordi jeg ikke har de "rigtige" papirer. Den kan man så tygge lidt på....


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GlossPost: Occupational titles (dan,eng > dan,eng)

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