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Literature and strategies for translating poetry

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Marisol Salazar
Marisol Salazar  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Help Nov 6, 2014

Hello. I need your help in accessing the audio file. i paid for the conference but I couldn't enter the webinar on time because I got confused on the GMT time.
Am I supposed to have unlimited access to the video upload?

Emilia De Paola
Emilia De Paola
Local time: 17:11
Member (2007)
English to Italian
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A reply to the feedback by Alex BW! May 12, 2015

Dear Alex,
thank you for attending the webinar. Anyway I am very sorry about
your feedback. As regards the accent I tried to make
myself understood not only by native people but also by people
from areas where a foreign language has to be pronounced
slowly and distinctly to make yourself understood. And this is
also the reason why the slides where so exhaustive (even if I
made references to other authors and works, I explained the
figures of speech, I d
... See more
Dear Alex,
thank you for attending the webinar. Anyway I am very sorry about
your feedback. As regards the accent I tried to make
myself understood not only by native people but also by people
from areas where a foreign language has to be pronounced
slowly and distinctly to make yourself understood. And this is
also the reason why the slides where so exhaustive (even if I
made references to other authors and works, I explained the
figures of speech, I discussed the case study…). Anyway I would

have accepted willingly other objections that have been made
regarding the fact that poetry is untranslatable, for instance, or

that you didn't like the choice of the case study but why do you
say there are no inputs? There is a short presentation of
literary forms, of translation studies, there is a practical
example, there are useful links, there is the explanation of how
to start
in the field with detailed information. What else? Criticism needs
to be constructive, especially if you know you are ruining the
profile of a person who works hardly and honestly. So please gave
me suggestions….
Consider that this is a one-hour webinar, I didn't want it to be a
highly specialized course for experts.
It was written clearly "The course also provides participants with
practical advice and useful links *to take the first steps* in the

world of literary translation.."…..

alexBW (X)
alexBW (X)
United Kingdom
Local time: 16:11
English to Italian
+ ...
an explanation to my negative feedback. May 13, 2015

Dear Emilia,

I’m very sorry if I have offended you in any way.

I’d like to explain the reasons of my criticism.

The title of the webinar was "Literary translation and strategies for translating poetry".

I was expecting a practical approach and possibly your personal experience as to how to go about translating literary works.

Instead I felt overwhelmed by linguistics theories and terminologies that I could have easily read myself in
... See more
Dear Emilia,

I’m very sorry if I have offended you in any way.

I’d like to explain the reasons of my criticism.

The title of the webinar was "Literary translation and strategies for translating poetry".

I was expecting a practical approach and possibly your personal experience as to how to go about translating literary works.

Instead I felt overwhelmed by linguistics theories and terminologies that I could have easily read myself in my own time.

I felt that you could have summarised those concepts and apply them to some practical examples from your personal translation work.

Also, the introduction about what is a novel/drama/poetry I expect that anyone wishing to embark on a literary translation career would have already known those definitions. I would have preferred you got immediately into the heart of the matter which was how to translate literary texts.

You also said that you had to talk slowly as there were people who would not have otherwise understood but, then, you used very dense and complex jargon that wouldn’t make the understanding any easier for a not so fluent listener.

I personally find the best webinar are those where concepts are introduced in a concise manner but substantiated by practical examples using a easy, conversational approach rather than reading from the slides for the whole length of the webinar.

I feel it is important to put oneself into the listener’s shoes and apply some self-criticism in order to improve in the delivery of the presentations.

Saying this, I do not want to detract anything from your preparation and knowledge which I’m sure is sound.

Once again, I apologise if I have offended, however I think it would be useful if you adapted and changed slightly your slides in the future.

All the best and kind regards


[Edited at 2015-05-13 13:14 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-05-13 13:15 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-05-13 13:16 GMT]


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Literature and strategies for translating poetry

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