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XTM Cloud

3.2 out of 5
Out of 16 user reviews.

XTM Cloud is a cloud-based, vendor-neutral Translation Management System with an integrated computer-aided translation tool that helps companies reach their global customers more quickly and effectively by streamlining and fully automating localization processes, while boosting their bottom line.

Software details

File formatsALL
License typeSoftware as a service (subscription)
System requirements
Operating systemWindows 2000, Windows, MacOS, Linux
System requirementsCloud based SaaS requires an internet connection and web browser
No data
Support & upgrades
Support and upgrades offered/includedFree upgrades for duration of license/Subscription
Support and tutorial linkshttps://xtm-cloud.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals
Free trial
Free trialxtm.cloud/trial
Languages supportedAll

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1 out of 5
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Worst overhyped translation tool in the market
Review by 
Mohamed . XTM Cloud and its online editor is the worst translation tool in the market, and I have no clue really why many LSPs and MLVs are forcing translator to use this tool. The tool is very slow, no mass search and replace through multiple files, plus it times out really fast, and you have to scroll down to get new segments. Concordance search is very slow, QA is awful and it freezes up many times. I have stopped working with 2 clients because they are forcing me to use this inefficient tool.
4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

2 out of 5
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Possibly a great for project management, but extremely limited for actual translation work
Review by 
Georgios Tziakos . XTM Cloud has been a tool that many Language Service Providers have been choosing for years now, for what I am guessing are effective project management and administration capabilities. That said, as an actual CAT tool, XTM Cloud leaves much to be desired, lacking features that are considered extremely basic by professional linguists. Some of those include:

1) Complete lack of string sorting capability
2) Retroactive and slow spellcheck
3) Inability to select multiple strings and confirm them or change their status (though at least you can do this to ALL strings in a job)
4) No ability to create 'Views' (MemoQ) or collate many files in one.
5) Lack of control for things such as auto-propagation and pre-translation on the Translator's side.
6) And finally, a very clunky UI layout, where you cannot , for example, see both Concordance and TM results at the same time.

Some of the good elements include:

1) An overall decent typing experience, especially compared with other online CAT Tools which cannot even keep up with a 100wpm rate of typing.
2) Find and Replace functionality is working fine at a basic level, though don't expect full dedicated lists of changes and string by string confirmation as it happens in MemoQ.
3) Fast to open and start working on projects.
4) Relatively easy for multiple linguists to perform simultaneous translation, since the TM is quickly and accurately updated

Overall, XTM is pretty antiquated compared to its direct competition (e.g. CrowdIn). The UI hasn't received a proper and meaningful update in at least 10 years. Although it's theoretically capable of exporting and importing translations into and from more serious offline CAT tools, in reality most LSPs will never inconvenience themselves with that sort of thing, which is probably due to the need for extra TM/TB management.
1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

4 out of 5
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Very useful and user-friendly online CAT tool
Review by 
Jerzy Jeczalik (X) . I have been using XTM Cloud Since 2010 and I am very happy with it. The tool is very cost-effective due to low monthly payments and the interface is easy to use and intuitive to learn. If I do need any additional help, I find the XTM support team to be very attentive and helpful. All common file formats are supported and even some of the more difficult formats such as InDesign are processed without any issues. XTM allows me to focus on translation rather that the technical aspects of software maintenance and file engineering, I would recommend it to all of my colleagues and peers.
7 out of 14 found this review helpful.

3 out of 5
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Constantly evolving
Review by 
Werdna . I once worked on some projects where the client specifically requested the use of XTM Cloud. At that time, my impression of this tool was underwhelming at best.

More than a year later, XTM Cloud has changed considerably; I was impressed how the developers were dedicated to constantly improving their product. Some of the big names in the industry could learn a thing or two from them.

Since XTM Cloud is entirely Internet-based (no locally installed client is required, other than a compatible Internet browser), the mobility and portability of this system is incomparable. Compared to Trados (which requires a locally installed license, and also installs Nalpeiron DRM snooper on your computer to enforce the license agreement), XTM is ideal for translators who must work on client's sites a lot.

That said, XTM Cloud still needs to overcome the technological challenges that are inherent in cloud computing (bandwidth limitation, server maintenance, memory issues imposed by web browsers, etc.). These used to be XTM's biggest weakness. More than a year later, things got a lot better; but still these continue to be an issue.

If the developers of XTM Cloud can meet and overcome these challenges, they will have a stellar product on their hands. And given their dedication, I feel that they just might do that.
2 out of 5 found this review helpful.

4 out of 5
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Useful tool
Review by 
MT-Sophie . This system is easy to work on as it's very intuitive. It makes some project management steps easier and faster, and it is very easy to learn for translators. There are some occasional issues to fix but the Support team is very responsive, efficient and nice.
0 out of 1 found this review helpful.