Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Este breve glosario se consolidó luego de varios proyectos relacionados con listados de Aliexpress. La mayoría de los términos están relacionados con artículos de belleza tales como maquillajes, sombras, brillantinas, uñas y pestañas postizas, y cosmética en general. Adicionalmente, hay términos para diversos tipos de prendas de ropa para invie... View more
Les termes techniques définis dans ce glossaire sont groupés suivant les rubriques dans le cadre à gauche. Ils sont également accessibles dans la liste alphabétique.
Avec le temps ce "glossaire" à l'ambition de devenir une véritable encyclopédie "solaire". Vos commentaires seront bienvenus.
Les définitions et commentaires sont inspirés... View more
glossario in lingua italiana
Vocabulario del Windsurfista |
Explains English surfing terms in Spanish Paralelamente a los avances de nuestro deporte, se va desarrollando un vocabulario windsurfista, tanto en el orden técnico como en el cultural. Cada vez que se inventa algo nuevo aparece una palabreja que más tarde o más temprano llegará a nuestros oídos. ¿Quién sabía hace unos años lo que era un forward ... View more
Travel Industry Dictionary
The Intrepid Traveler |
Like every industry, the travel business has its own special jargon. That can make it easy for people in the industry to communicate, but for newcomers or outsiders the special terms, abbreviations, acronyms, slang, and nicknames can be confusing and intimidating.
The Intrepid Traveler is proud to present what we believe to be the most e... View more
Travel Industry Dictionary
The Intrepid Traveler |
An extensive glossary (or dictionary) of travel industry related terms.
Nautical Language Translator
Pacific Offshore Rigging | http://www.pacificoffshorerigging.c...
Nautical terminology multilingual glossary
La funzionalità principale del sito consiste nella visualizzazione delle voci del dizionario nautico secondo due modalità: la prima permette di vedere tutte le voci con una fissata radice, la seconda permette di vedere l'intero dizionario. Le due modalità sono accessibili dalla Home Page del sito cliccando il pulsante "Ricerca Termini" oppure "Sco... View more
glossario nautico
circolo universitario genovese-sezione vela |
glossario nautico
Dizionario di Termini Marinareschi
Il Faro della Mente |
Italian > English nautical terminology, with English equivalent of each term and full definition in Italian
To access the glossary, please select NAUTICA from the dropdown list 'le sezioni'. Glossary pages are located at the center of the page:
I termini nautici A-C.htm
I termini nautici D-L.htm
I termini nautici M-Z.htm
Sailing glossary (English, French & Spanish)
Real Federaci�n Espa�ola de Vela |
Comprenhensive glossary of sailing terms in English, French and Spanish.
As principais palavras do argot brasileiro.
The most extensive dictionary of travel industry terms available anywhere.
nice glossary of nautical terms in english and Italian (initial section on parts of a sailing yacht also in French); many entries also have a description, in Italian. No Search function, but pleasant to use.