The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Serbian to English Government / Politics Translation Glossary

Serbian term English translation
časnik civil servant/ officer
bezbjedonosno interesantna lica persons of security concern
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
carinska ispostava customs outpost
carinski dozvoljeno postupanje customs-approved treatment
delovodnik predmeta case registry
Femkati se be coy
firmarina communal fee for displaying business names on the business premises/company name display fee
Gradska uprava za imovinu i imovinske pravne poslove City Administration for Property and Property-Legal Affairs
haustor hallway/hall/entrance hall
imenovati/postaviti to nominate / to appoint
Informator o radu državnih (opštinskih) organa Government (Municipal) Bodies Fact Sheet
Entered by: Cedomir Pusica
iz supljeg u prazno watering a stake
izborna skupstina stranke (party's) electoral convention
izjašnjavanje vote
Izvod extract/excerpt (from the electoral register)
Kakvo vreme, takvi i politički lideri our political leaders are a product of/reflect the times we live in
karijerni konzul career consul
Entered by: Elio Verbanac
klub odbornika u skupstini opstine grada... caucus
Komunalna delatnost Public Services and Utilities
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
komunalni red cleanliness of public areas
Koordinaciona uprava za Kosovo i Metohiju Coordination Directorate for Kosovo and Metohija
lik Image
LN real estate folio in the land register
mešetarenje/mešetarski manipulation/manipulative / scheme/scheming
metod prvog rođenja Next-Birthday Method [of Respondent Selection]
moneta za potkusurivanje merchandise to bargain with; a bargaining counter/chip; a small change; an object of manipulation
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
na sednici XX vanrednog zasedanja at XX(20th) extraordinary session
Na velika vrata with a bang / with a fanfare
načelstvo prefecture
nacelnik odjeljenja za inspekcijske poslove Head of Inspections Sector
naredbodavac authorizing officer/authority [execution of the budget]
nosilac liste list leader
Entered by: V&M Stanković
obeležja insignias
obrada predmeta case processing
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
odbornička grupa political group
Odluke i resenja (lokalne skupstine) Ordinances and Resolutions
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
Pitka (forma) readable content/writing
po osnovu predstavničkog sistema based on proportional representation system
poljočuvarska služba agricultural caretakers
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
predizborni spotovi pre-election adverts
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