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The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Serbian to English Accounting Translation Glossary

Serbian term English translation
(Model) poziv na broj reference number
Entered by: Srdjan Stepanovic
akontacioni porez input tax
aktivna vremenska razgraničenja prepayments and deferred expenses; accrued receivables
aktuarski dobici actuarial gains
Arhivska knjiga archival/archive book
Bro fiskalnego isećka reference number of the fiscal receipt
Entered by: Lota
Dugoročna rezervisanja i obaveze long-term provisions and liabilities
Izvestaj o ostalom rezultatu Statement of other comprehensive income
izvod otvorenih stavki open item statement
kalkulacija calculation
kasa skonto Cash Discount
knjiga evidencije prometa i usluga (KEPU) sales and purchase ledger
Knjigovođa materijalnog i pogonskog knjigovodstva materials and cost accountant
knjigovodstveno stanje book value
kontiranje account assignment/allocation to an account
Kontra knjiženje Counter-entry
kratkoročno razgraničeni rashodi short term (current) expenses accrued
matičnog pravnog lica parent legal entity
metod primene diskontnih stopa discount rate method
na teret mesta troška na kome se vodi korisnik debited to the cost centre to which the user is assigned
naknade zarada paid leave benefits
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
naknadno utvrđeni troškovi subsequently recognised expenses
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
Nastanak poreske obaveze incurrence of tax liability
neprimljeni računi invoice(s) not received (purchase accruals)
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
Neuplaćeni upisani kapital unpaid subscribed capital
Entered by: Cedomir Pusica
obveznik (izveštavanja; revizije) reporting entity
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
odobrenje konta credit an account
OP oznaka za obradu podataka; data entry number
osiguranje robe u medjunarodnom transportu insurance of goods during/for international transport(ation); international cargo insurance
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
ovlašćeni stručni računovođa Chartered Certified Accountant
pasivna vremenska razgraničenja accrued costs and deferred revenues
pobraČaj Change
Entered by: Lota
podaci o reklamaciji claims information
Porez na fond zarada Tax on wage fund
Entered by: Goran Tasic
poslovna pasiva, poslovna imovina operating liabilities, operating assets
povezana lica retaled parties, connected persons
pozitivne promene u vrednosti i obimu positive value and volume changes
pravljenje stanja po računima preparing account balance
prihod od vršenja usluge service revenue
prihodovanje crediting
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