The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Lithuanian to English Medical: Health Care Translation Glossary

Lithuanian term English translation
a/b gydymas gydymas antibiotikais
Entered by: Ramunas Kontrimas
AF Antakalnio filialas
anticeliulitinis poveikis anti-cellulite action
Entered by: Kristina Radziulyte
AP AP (anterior-posterior)
šlakai waste
šlakai toxins ("toxins")
CBN corticobulbar nerves (CBN)
DKA artificial blood circulation
Freiko pagalvėlė Frejka pillow splint
galviniai nn. - n. y. cranial nerves – nothing noteworthy / no findings / NAD (nothing abnormal detected)
gydomojo purvo telkinys deposit(s) of therapeutic mud
gydykla treatment centre
išvalyti šlakus iš organizmo to detox
ilgą laiką pakartotinai praryjant by prolonged exposure if swallowed
Entered by: Kristina Radziulyte
IV angos intervertebral (IV) foramina
kabinetas (diagnostic and treatment) room
kaudaliau more caudally
kurortologija health resort research
lavsaninė juosta polyethylene terephthalate
Medicinos pagalbos priemonės medical aids
mentalinės nuotraukos mental images
NL a fit note (Certificate of unfitness for work)
plėvele dengtos tabletės film-coated tablets
proksimaliau ir distaliau proximally and distally
sukelti vėžį to cause cancer
Entered by: Kristina Radziulyte
SVŽ the summary focal dose
tausojantis režimas low-intensity regimen (low-stress regimen)
Entered by: Ramunas Kontrimas
vegetacinė distonija vegetative-vascular dystonia
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