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Italian to English Fisheries Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
Aereo x ricerca tonni spotter plane
aguillette garfish
alla scaletta o al cono to the tensioner or to the cone
bassifondi costieri shallow coastal waters
Entered by: liz askew
basso numero di pesi in gabbia low mumber of \"cage\" fish
battute di pesca al bolentino trolling rod fishing
bianchetto whitebait
bilancere lift net
boette buoys
bottari barrel loaders
Entered by: Vanessa Di Stefano
cambiale pesca fishing bill (of exchange)
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
capitoli dedicati dedicated entries/chapters
capo barca ship (boat) captain; chief
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
castagnola rossa swallowtail seaperch
coerentemente alle paritarie entrate contributive matching the payments/contributions made by
cogolli fyke nets
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
concessione demaniale marittima Public Maritime Domain granted in concession
correntometrico ...the current/stream flow measurement characteristics of the area...
fanno ben sperare per il futuro bode well for the future
ferrare - ferrata strike (and hook)
FERS ERDF [European Regional Development Fund]
fondi rischi risk funds
fruitivo reader-friendly, easy to use
Entered by: Joel Schaefer
galleggiante di spinta buoy
grande e piccola pesca large and small scale fishing
i rapidi rapido [trawl] nets
Entered by: Tom in London
in natura in the wild
informalavoro del mare Shipping & Fishing Recruitment Centre
ittiturismo fish tourism
le palance trawl nets
macchina sgranatrice mussel separating or declumping equipment
marcatura markings
marinerie romagnole Romagna marine communities / marines
messa in capo enacted/executed
mortalita' da pesca fishing mortality
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
murata di sinistra port-side
p.c.locale 6mi pesca costiera locale 6 miglia= regional coast fishery 6 miles
passerino young plaice/European plaice
pasturazione leggera light chumming
persico trota Black bass
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