The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English Journalism Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
criminele uitspatting surge in criminal behaviour
de return komt niet vanzelf the rewards don't come easily
Er zal een begin gemaakt worden met de aanleg.... Construction of new motorways will begin (in order to solve the....)
gpa-branche (need another name for glass, porcelain and earthenware industry) glass and ceramics
Indischgast \'Indischgast\' (someone who has spent a long time in the former Dutch East Indies)
Entered by: Lena Vanelslander
Internationale MBA vliegt managers de wereld rond Global experience ...
klinisch sterile
Entered by: Textpertise
lijfblad fave mag
ontluisterend disappointing/shocking
Entered by: Antoinette Verburg
perfect afgeschermde hotelsuites fully isolated hotel suites
positieve balans positive results
van onze redactie economie (from our) economics editor
verjubelen squander
wel de lusten maar niet de lasten all gain, no pain
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