The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English History Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
agendabepalend agenda-setting
Entered by: Luuk Arens
automitrailleuzen Armoured cars
betekenisecologie ecology of meanings
ciraet ornament (sieraad)
daarop schoten ze in een kramp this scared them stiff / scared them out of their wits
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
De staat als bewaker van sociale herinneringen The State as Guardian of the social memory
Entered by: Maria Rosich Andreu
Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk First Stadholderless Period
flikkerfront Fags' Front (Queer Quality)
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
G.I.O.W, L.O., K..P. Orde Dienst, Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten G.I.O.W, L.O., K..P. Orde Dienst, Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten
haarden source(s)
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
Hoge Heerlijkheid Great Manor
hoogtenbewiekend wing-beating the skies
klip van onoverwonnen ik-heid slechten to overcome the obstacle of unconquered I-ness
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
Kraankinderen treadwheel workers
Lekensamenvatting Lay summary
Entered by: Luuk Arens
Muiden Mouth of the River
oekaze ukase/edict
ontstaansachtergrond roots
Entered by: Luuk Arens
Oude ancient
persoonskaart persoonskaart
Raadspensionaris Grand Pensionary
RAU, toeg. Utrecht Public Records Office (RAU), finding aid [title/number]
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Scheepsembleem ship's emblem/plaque
Schepenbank Bench of Aldermen
schildvoet shield base / coats of arms base
Schout Bailiff
Entered by: Bert Huisman
Staafkogel Bar shot
staatscultus state religion / state cultus
stadsheer Lord of the town
Staten van Holland States of Holland
van bodem en volk losgeslagen (zie context) utterly foreign to our soil and our people
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
vergeven van ambten the bestowal of offices
Vrije Baronie Free Barony
vrijgegeven released
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
wreed slach folk harsh kind of people
Entered by: dmesnier
zedenverval loss of moral values
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