The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English Economics Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
accres annual growth (rate/percentage)
belevingswaarde experiential value
brancheverkenning sector survey
conjunctuurschok cyclical shock
doorontwikkeld continuously developed
faalvorm / faaleffect / faalwijze failure type / effect of the failure / failure process
Franco orderbedrag free delivery for orders over xxx
groeimotor Engine of growth / Economic locomotive
Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (HJEG) European Court of Justice (ECJ)
informatiemaatschappij information society
Entered by: Michael Beijer
kanscontract aleatory contract
loonquote wage share
Entered by: Anne Lee
Magere tijden Lean times
medegelding they wish the application of the treaty to be extended to them
overlopende activa Prepayments and accrued income/
prijsklem price(-)squeeze
reguliere consumptie conventional consumption
remmend effect inhibitory effect
schaalvoordeel economy of scale
schuldquote debt ratio
This overcome making trans Atlantic arrows in our goals This prevents us sabotaging the achievement of our own trans-Atlantic objectives and ensures we end up with concrete plans
trendmatig trend
verblijfkosten accommodation expenses
woekert half ondergronds de inflatie inflation carries on right below the surface
Entered by: Michael Beijer
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