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KudoZ About the level of the questions - PRO and non-PRO Fully agree with Konstantin Everyone has made some good points, however, I
agree with Konstantin Kisin the most.
Mikhail Kropotov Apr 19, 2005
Russian Название новой компании :-( Странный подход, все таки Подход Ваших друзей очень и
очень странный, поскольку
если уж придумывать
абберевиатуру, то нужно к
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 28, 2005 technical support Posting *anything* on any part of Kudoz produces a blank page Looks like your magic worked Thank you Jason! Everything appears to be working
just fine. However, I am now surfing from home so
I can't be sure it wasn't something happening on
my system at work. Thanks again for
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 25, 2005 technical support Posting *anything* on any part of Kudoz produces a blank page Posting *anything* on any part of Kudoz produces a blank page This started happening just recently, maybe an
hour ago. As soon as I post an answer or a peer
comment, the page loads up with the upper and
leftside panels (all the buttons, links and
Mikhail Kropotov Mar 25, 2005 suggestions Proposed system for rating KudoZ archive entries (K) Well thought out, Stuart. You have the design all ready to go! It would be
nice, yes.
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 7, 2004 suggestions Proposed system for rating KudoZ archive entries (K) A very logical improvement but I don't think it will work What you are proposing makes a lot of sense.
However, the only way to make the system work as
you describe would be to take drastic measures
(against newcomers especially, who do not know
Mikhail Kropotov Dec 1, 2004
Internet for translators Google's index nearly doubles. Google's index nearly doubles. Google's index nearly doubles to 8 billion
pages. Now,
if you ever have to search on Google to estimate
how "popular" your suggested translation is (I
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 11, 2004
Off topic Funny games of words These are hilarious AND great as a studying material to learners. So funnnyyyyyyyyy! Thanxxx! Mikhail Kropotov Nov 10, 2004
Powwows Powwow: St. Petersburg - Russian Federation Ëó÷øèé ÄÐ â ìîåé æèçíè Ïîçäðàâüòå ìåíÿ, â÷åðà ÿ
îòìåòèë ëó÷øèé Äåíü
Ðîæäåíüÿ â ñâîåé æèçíè!!!
Âñåõ íà ðàäîñòÿõ
îáíèìàþ! P.S. BT
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 7, 2004
Powwows Powwow: St. Petersburg - Russian Federation Somewhat off-topic: ID verification Ðûáÿòà, ÍóæíÎ ëè ID Verification
âîîáùå, è åñòü ëè ó
êîãî-íèáóäü âîçìîæíîñòü
åãî çàáàøëÿòü, òî åñòü
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 5, 2004
KudoZ Email notifications of non-asker (ask the asker) posts in Kudoz questions. Oh, okay. Let me elaborate. Sorry for being so laconic in the first
place! Okay, the problem is like this. As
you know, there is the "Ask the asker" button that
anyone may use to post notes to a Kudoz question.
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 5, 2004
KudoZ Email notifications of non-asker (ask the asker) posts in Kudoz questions. Should this post be moved to another forum? After some 170 views and no replies I've come to
think that the truth must be hidden behind one or
more of the following: 1. No one knows about
this issue. 2. No one cares about this i
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 5, 2004
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 To Alexander: What do tastes have to do with it? Александр, Никаких
претензий я не предъявлял и
не предъявляю, и даже не
спорю с Вами ни по одному
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 5, 2004
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 An elaboration, unpleasant if necessary. Александр, Не вижу, чем же
именно все-таки шутка
смешная в Вашем
переводе/понимании. Я знаю,
a joke explaine
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 4, 2004
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 В чем фикус-то... На всякий случай, ставлю
себе confidence не выше 3,5
:=]]] Мой перевод: "Я
размышляю о том, есть ли
жизнь посл�
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 4, 2004
KudoZ Is there something wrong with the grading robot? (staff: 'fixed, thanks!') Much appreciated! Thank you Henry! I would also like to point
out another issue regarding Proz... THIS SITE
RULEZ!!! Really, it's kicks a**. For me it's
an addiction that is actually fun, educat
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 2, 2004
Russian "Жемчужины" перевода - 1 Re: translating Woody Allen Александр, Я понял не
сразу, хотя шутки в фильмах
Аллена воспринимаю. Правда,
не всегда смеюсь, может
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 2, 2004
KudoZ Email notifications of non-asker (ask the asker) posts in Kudoz questions. Email notifications of non-asker (ask the asker) posts in Kudoz questions. Hi all, Shouldn't I be receiving email
notifications of "ask the asker" posts in the
Kudoz questions? I routinely get the notifications
of posts by the asker, but none of posts by
Mikhail Kropotov Nov 2, 2004
Powwows Powwow: St. Petersburg - Russian Federation Ýòî òî÷íî! Ìàêñ, ïðèâåò! Äà, íóæíî
áóäåò âûñïàòüñÿ, à íå òî
ïðîøëîå áåçîáðàçèå ìîæåò
ïîâòîðèòüñÿ! Êñòàòè, ðàç
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 29, 2004
Lighter side of trans/interp Finally a job worth considering! Got to be a mistake Yes, for a few seconds I stared at the total
amount. Kind of stupefying really... But don't
you think it's some kind of mistake? Maybe the
currency is not US dollars, or something. I
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 29, 2004
Powwows Powwow: St. Petersburg - Russian Federation >>> ß çà 14. À ÷åì äàëüøå, òåì
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 28, 2004
Powwows Powwow: St. Petersburg - Russian Federation Another meeting is upon us. Hello dear friends, Ah, another meeting is upon
us. How nice to know we aren't hibernating yet,
now that the winter is almost here. As far as
scheduling. Nov. 14 would be best for me
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 25, 2004
KudoZ Grading page interface Yours is a very appropriate and much needed improvement! Hi Kirill, I concur with you 100% on every
single point. My idea of an improved interface
would be this. A vertical list of answers (like
in the summary windows in the ungraded Ku
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 21, 2004
KudoZ Is there something wrong with the grading robot? (staff: 'fixed, thanks!') Is there something wrong with the grading robot? (staff: 'fixed, thanks!') Hi all, Is there something wrong with the
grading robot? There seem to be lots of ungraded
questions in my pairs that should have been graded
automatically. Thanks for any
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 21, 2004
Trados support How to make Word hide the source text What a relief! Thank you Alison, your advice is greatly
appreciated! That indeed was THE solution to my
problem. The Word Help makers sure do suck...
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 21, 2004
Trados support How to make Word hide the source text How to make Word hide the source text Hi all, First off, sorry for this simple
question, I'm just now learning TRADOS
(woohoo!). The question is, how do I make Word
hide the source text? Problem is, when I click on
Mikhail Kropotov Oct 21, 2004
Language Industry Events & Announcements More Gmail invitations I don't mind if Google becomes the new Microsoft A very interesting link! Thanks. But it won't
stop me from using my gmail.
Mikhail Kropotov Sep 21, 2004
Powwows Powwow: Saint-Petersburg - Russian Federation Âñåì ñïàñèáî Âñåì ñïàñèáî çà âñòðå÷ó! È
îðãàíèçàòîðó îòäåëüíîå
ñïàñèáî! Was thrilled
óáåäèòüñÿ, ÷òî âñ¸ ñîâñåì
íå òàê �
Mikhail Kropotov Aug 15, 2004
Powwows Powwow: Saint-Petersburg - Russian Federation Âðåìÿ âñòðå÷è 14-ãî? Êàê-òî ýòîò êóñîê
èíôîðìàöèè ìèìî ìåíÿ
ïðîøìûãíóë. Îêåé, òîãäà âñ¸
÷¸òêî. À ãäå âñòðå÷àòüñÿ,
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 29, 2004
Powwows Powwow: Saint-Petersburg - Russian Federation  ñóááîòó - ôåñòèâàëü Ïèâà! Íå çíàþ êàê âû, êîëëåãè, íî ÿ
Ýòî ïðîïóñòèòü íå ìîãó ;-]
Mikhail Kropotov Jul 29, 2004

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