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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Thread poster: chance (X)
ysun United States Local time: 01:23 English to Chinese + ... |
wherestip United States Local time: 01:23 Chinese to English + ... An Interesting Pew Research Center Survey | Jul 18, 2013 |
China seen surpassing U.S. in superpower shift
By Charles Riley
Will China supplant the United States as the world's leading superpower and top player in the world economy?
A new Pew Research Center survey of 38,000 people in 39 countries found the widespread belief that China is well on its way.
Overall, a majority or plurality of respondents in only six of the countries surveyed believe the U.S. will remain on top.
"Publics around the world believe the global balance of power is shifting," Pew wrote. "China's economic power is on the rise, and many think it will eventually supplant the United States as the world's dominant superpower."
In both the United States and China, an increasing number of respondents agree with this thesis.
Two out of three Chinese now predict their country will overtake the U.S., an eight percentage point increase since 2008. The number of Americans who agree has jumped 11 percentage points to 47%.
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wherestip United States Local time: 01:23 Chinese to English + ...
On China, Episode 10 transcript: The Chinese Dream
Tue July 16, 2013
'On China:' Political reform needed 'On China:' Will China use its military? 'On China:' Can Xi Jinping lead?
(CNN) -- This episode's guests include Wu Jianmin, Former Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations; Evan Osnos, Former Beijing Correspondent, The New Yorker; and Jing Ulrich, Chairman, Global Markets, China, JP Morgan. | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 01:23 Chinese to English + ... Some Publicized Benchmarks | Jul 18, 2013 |
10 hardest working countries
Where in the world do workers toil the most each year? The United States is high on the list, but a few other countries work even harder.
Average annual hours: 2,317
Average annual wages: $9,885
Average annual hours: 2,102
Average annual wages: $15,820
Average annual hours: 2,092
Average annual wages: $35,406
Average annual hours: 2,021
Average annual wages: $17,323
Russian Federation
Average annual hours: 2,002
Average annual wages: $15,286
Average annual hours: 1,893
Average annual wages: $20,069
United States
Average annual hours: 1,798
Average annual wages: $54,450
Average annual hours: 1,797
Average annual wages: $19,437
Average annual hours: 1,765
Average annual wages: $35,143
Slovak Republic
Average annual hours: 1,749
Average annual wages: $19,068
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wherestip United States Local time: 01:23 Chinese to English + ... |
pkchan United States Local time: 02:23 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
“不要臉的劣譯” 王偉雄
臉書上有朋友貼了一則網上討論,內容主要是批評 Steven Pinker 的成名作 The Language Instinct 的中譯本,譯者是國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授兼所長洪蘭,她翻譯的科普著作超過三十本,在台灣是有名的。該網上討論指出洪蘭的翻譯錯漏百出,例如將應該譯為「塞音」或「閉止音」的語言學用語 ‘stop’... See more “不要臉的劣譯” 王偉雄
臉書上有朋友貼了一則網上討論,內容主要是批評 Steven Pinker 的成名作 The Language Instinct 的中譯本,譯者是國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授兼所長洪蘭,她翻譯的科普著作超過三十本,在台灣是有名的。該網上討論指出洪蘭的翻譯錯漏百出,例如將應該譯為「塞音」或「閉止音」的語言學用語 ‘stop’ 錯譯為「停止」(p.185)、將 ‘part of speech’(一般譯為「詞類」)這個十分普通的文法用語錯譯為「口語的一部分」(p.115)、再將 ‘part-of-speech categories’ 錯譯為「口語的類別」(p.258)。
這些錯誤實在太離譜,我有些懷疑,於是找來洪蘭的譯本查證,結果證明上述討論裏的指控全部屬實。然後我隨便翻到譯本的一頁,那是 p.226,看看會不會這樣隨便翻看也能找到有問題的翻譯,誰知一眼便看到一句可疑的:不要臉的劣譯/ ▲ Collapse | | |
pkchan United States Local time: 02:23 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ... “洪蘭事件” 王偉雄 2013-07-17 | Jul 22, 2013 |
“The highly diverse operations of System 2 have one feature in common: they require attention and are disrupted when attention is drawn away.” (p.22)
Kahneman 說的是系統二裏的不同操作有一個共通點,但洪蘭卻譯成那是系統二和�... See more “The highly diverse operations of System 2 have one feature in common: they require attention and are disrupted when attention is drawn away.” (p.22)
Kahneman 說的是系統二裏的不同操作有一個共通點,但洪蘭卻譯成那是系統二和系統一的共通點!這個錯譯在上下文是完全不通的(上下文主要是對比系統一和系統二)。假如我是出版社的負責編輯,無論上述那位讀者的 70% 怎樣計算出來,這樣的錯譯我是 100% 不接受的 — 絕不收貨!
原文: “Intense focusing on a task can make people effectively blind” (p.23)
按:集中注意力在工作上又怎會令人暫時失明?難道洪蘭連這樣的常識也沒有?就算單看 “effectively blind” 不知道該怎譯,只要看看上下文就會猜到那是「視而不見」的意思。
原文: “Not all illusions are visual. There are illusions of thought, which we call cognitive illusions.” (p.27)
洪譯:「並不是所有錯覺都是看得見的。我們所謂的認知錯覺(cognitive illusions)是一種思想上的錯覺,是看不見的。」(p.48)
按:很明顯 “visual” 這裏應譯作「視覺的」;句末的「是看不見的」是無中生有。
原文: “You have been invited to think of the two systems as agents within the mind” (p.28)
按: “agents” 在這裏不好譯,因為中文沒有對應詞,一般譯作「行事者」或「能動者」;無論如何,譯作「代理人」是可笑的錯誤。
原文: “I will often use sentences in which the systems are the subjects” (p.28)
洪譯:「我常用擬人化的句子 […] 來描述它們」(p.49)
按: “subjects” 指的是句子的主語,怎麼扯到擬人化了?
原文: “If endorsed by System2, impressions and intuitions turn into beliefs, and impulses turn into voluntary actions.” (p.24)
按:無言。)不要臉的劣譯&safe=active&hl=en-HK&gbv=2&ct=clnk ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun United States Local time: 01:23 English to Chinese + ...
wherestip United States Local time: 01:23 Chinese to English + ... |
wherestip United States Local time: 01:23 Chinese to English + ... Try your hand at today's Google Doodle | Nov 23, 2013 |
... a miniature video game. You basically dodge the different security bots to reach a safe house. | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 01:23 Chinese to English + ... Forgot to say | Nov 23, 2013 |
... It's the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, one day after the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination. | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 01:23 Chinese to English + ...
pkchan wrote:
“不要臉的劣譯” 王偉雄
臉書上有朋友貼了一則網上討論,內容主要是批評 Steven Pinker 的成名作 The Language Instinct 的中譯本,譯者是國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授兼所長洪蘭,她翻譯的科普著作超過三十本,在台灣是有名的。該網上討論指出洪蘭的翻譯錯漏百出,例如將應該譯為「塞音」或「閉止音」的語言學用語 ‘stop’ 錯譯為「停止」(p.185)、將 ‘part of speech’(一般譯為「詞類」)這個十分普通的文法用語錯譯為「口語的一部分」(p.115)、再將 ‘part-of-speech categories’ 錯譯為「口語的類別」(p.258)。
這些錯誤實在太離譜,我有些懷疑,於是找來洪蘭的譯本查證,結果證明上述討論裏的指控全部屬實。然後我隨便翻到譯本的一頁,那是 p.226,看看會不會這樣隨便翻看也能找到有問題的翻譯,誰知一眼便看到一句可疑的:不要臉的劣譯/ | | |
ysun United States Local time: 01:23 English to Chinese + ...
pkchan wrote:
“不要臉的劣譯” 王偉雄
即使别人译得再劣,也应就事论事,而不该指名辱骂别人“不要脸”。这位王伟雄先生,作为一个大学教授,还是应该在大庭广众之下,珍惜一下自己的脸面。 | | |
Jinhang Wang China Local time: 15:23 English to Chinese + ...
Yan Yuliang wrote:
pkchan wrote:
“不要臉的劣譯” 王偉雄
臉書上有朋友貼了一則網上討論,內容主要是批評 Steven Pinker 的成名作 The Language Instinct 的中譯本,譯者是國立中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授兼所長洪蘭,她翻譯的科普著作超過三十本,在台灣是有名的。該網上討論指出洪蘭的翻譯錯漏百出,例如將應該譯為「塞音」或「閉止音」的語言學用語 ‘stop’ 錯譯為「停止」(p.185)、將 ‘part of speech’(一般譯為「詞類」)這個十分普通的文法用語錯譯為「口語的一部分」(p.115)、再將 ‘part-of-speech categories’ 錯譯為「口語的類別」(p.258)。
這些錯誤實在太離譜,我有些懷疑,於是找來洪蘭的譯本查證,結果證明上述討論裏的指控全部屬實。然後我隨便翻到譯本的一頁,那是 p.226,看看會不會這樣隨便翻看也能找到有問題的翻譯,誰知一眼便看到一句可疑的:不要臉的劣譯/
事实上,名副其实的专家大有人在。比如说,在哲学界,很多专家都是翻译家。比如,邓晓芒、李秋零、贺麟、杨祖陶等,非常多。 | | |
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