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WATA's Historic Journey
Thread poster: Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Switzerland Jul 25, 2003

الأستاذ الفاضل عامر العظم،
السلام عليك
فأشكرك على الفكرة وعلى المبادرة وأهنئك على قدرتك على تطبيق ما فكرت فيه وبادرت إليه.
هذا، وأبلغك بأني مستعد للمشاركة في المشروع انطلاقا من الديار السويسرية.
عبد القادر الغنامي
مترجم مستقل

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Egypt Jul 27, 2003

Good morning Walaa,
I am really honoured to join the group. Being a graduate from the Faculty of Arts, English Department, I was excited when I read the e-mail that invited me to join the group. I hope we can all benefit from it and collaborate hand in hand
to elevate our cultural level through language.
Thank you
Zeinab ... See more
Good morning Walaa,
I am really honoured to join the group. Being a graduate from the Faculty of Arts, English Department, I was excited when I read the e-mail that invited me to join the group. I hope we can all benefit from it and collaborate hand in hand
to elevate our cultural level through language.
Thank you

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Egypt Jul 27, 2003

Assalamu Alaykum
It is my pleasure to join your group..
I am doing Diploma in translation (English) in the American University in Cairo(AUC), the expected date of graduation is January 2004, I am fond of translation and working as and Editor and translator in ...
I wish to become an active member in your group and ready to provide any help needed

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Kuwait Jul 28, 2003

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الأستاذ عامر العظم

تحية لك الجهود التي تبذلها في سبيل الترجمة.
يسرني عرض التعاون معكم في مجال النشر الإلكتروني من خلال موقع ناشري.

ناشري دار نشر إلكترونية توفر العدي
... See more
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الأستاذ عامر العظم

تحية لك الجهود التي تبذلها في سبيل الترجمة.
يسرني عرض التعاون معكم في مجال النشر الإلكتروني من خلال موقع ناشري.

ناشري دار نشر إلكترونية توفر العديد من الكتب الإلكترونية، المقالات،
البحوث العلمية
في جميع المجالات. كلها تتوافر مجاناً و كثير منها حصرياً من خلال
ناشري يقدم خدمات الإخراج و الترويج مجانا.

كل التحية
حياة الياقوت
كاتبة و رئيسة تحرير موقع ناشري
نشكرك و نفخر بنشاطك.

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Germany Jul 28, 2003

The project is very interesting. Thank you.
Yes I do teach Arabic and may be you know my Cambridge text book:
Standard Arabic - An elementary-intermediate course.
Best regards
" German Professor of Arabic"

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Commnuincation with The Linguist Jul 29, 2003

1)Dear Amer Al Azem,

Thank you for your message announcing the WATA. Please submit it to our web listings of Societies and/or Projects & Research Sites.
You can access these submission forms at:
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support of LINGUIST.
Best regards,

Karen Milligan
Editor in
... See more
1)Dear Amer Al Azem,

Thank you for your message announcing the WATA. Please submit it to our web listings of Societies and/or Projects & Research Sites.
You can access these submission forms at:
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support of LINGUIST.
Best regards,

Karen Milligan
Editor in Chief

2)Dear Amer Al Azem,
Thank you for your message. If you will go to: you will
be able to do a search of our database of linguists using 'subject language' as the criterion. I did a quick search using 'Standard Arabic' and came up with 37 linguists. If you include the other 4 choices of Arabic, you will come up with more, I'm sure.

If you have any problems, please let me know.

Best regards,

Karen Milligan
Editor in chief

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am Amer Al Azem, the General Coordinator of World Arabic Translators Association. We are currently constructing the site of our organization. I need to contact all Arab Linguists so they can be informed and take their ethical role in building our association.
I would be so grateful if any help provided.

I will send you a message about our association.
Amer Al Azem
WATA General Coordinator

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Germany Jul 29, 2003

Dear Amer Al Azem,

Thanks for your below information on the Wata-Project. As im a german-arabic-german translator myself and run the website Iam of course very interested in your development and progress.

Just keep me informed
best regards

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Egypt Aug 4, 2003

Dear Mr. Amer Al Azem,

Hello, I am Mohamed ---- . I am a translator. I work for "----------" for the last four years. I get to know about the WATA from one of my friends and I am interested to join you. Please send me and tell me what do I have to do?

Best regards,


Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Sweden Aug 5, 2003

الأستاذ عامر المحترم
تحياتي الأخوية
أنا مشغول الآن بالكتابة البحثية المتخصصة في اللغة والآداب العربية على مستوى الدراسات العليا ، إضافة إلى دراسات وقصائد النثر التي أنشرها في الإنترنت دوريا، لكنني أشعر بواجبي أن أخدم التراث العربي بكل رحابة صدر. أبدي إستعدادي للعمل
... See more
الأستاذ عامر المحترم
تحياتي الأخوية
أنا مشغول الآن بالكتابة البحثية المتخصصة في اللغة والآداب العربية على مستوى الدراسات العليا ، إضافة إلى دراسات وقصائد النثر التي أنشرها في الإنترنت دوريا، لكنني أشعر بواجبي أن أخدم التراث العربي بكل رحابة صدر. أبدي إستعدادي للعمل في القسم العربي، ومراجعة وتدقيق النصوص العربية وما شابه إضافة إلى ما تتعلق باللغة والأدب العربي في حدود إمكانياتي. أرجو أن تأخذوا بنظر الإعتبار إنشغالي بأبحاثي الأكاديمية أيضا كما ذكرت أعلاه، وضرورة التوازن بين أبحاثي والعمل الأكاديمي المنظم وبين خدمة التراث العربي في وقت الفراغ.
مع جل إحترامي وتقديري.
أخوكم خالد

[Edited at 2003-08-20 15:08]

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Egypt Aug 6, 2003

Dear Mr. Amer Al Azem,


It gives me so pleasure to write to you for the first time. My name is Mohamed kamal, from Egypt. I have heared about you from one of my friends. I'm graduated from Faculty of Arts , English Dep. I'm working as a translator . I'm so interested in translation. I'm learning German , as a second language. I have so many other skills such as marketing , presentation. I believe that these skills can be great assets to your association. I do n
... See more
Dear Mr. Amer Al Azem,


It gives me so pleasure to write to you for the first time. My name is Mohamed kamal, from Egypt. I have heared about you from one of my friends. I'm graduated from Faculty of Arts , English Dep. I'm working as a translator . I'm so interested in translation. I'm learning German , as a second language. I have so many other skills such as marketing , presentation. I believe that these skills can be great assets to your association. I do not want to waste your valuable time, but I can be a member in your association. finally, I have the energy and enthusiasm to work in this field.

I would like to hear from you soon

Till another letter

Mohamed kamal

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Sudan Aug 12, 2003

Iam self employed simultanous translator- English- Arabic-English, from sudan. I have been searching on the web and I found your email address. I knew that you will be
responsible of Arabic Translators Association. So I wanted to join so that I could find more knowledage and xperience
about translation.

Musa El kheir

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Jordan Aug 13, 2003

تحية صباحية عطرة الى كل الاخوة المترجمين والاخوات .....

لقد اثر بي هذا النداء جدا .... وفكرت كيف لي ان اساهم وان ادعم وان البي هذه الصرخة...

أنا لا املك الكثير من المال ... ولكني لدي ما يقارب الساعتين يوميا على برنامجي المزدحم....

انني اتبرع بالوقت الذي هو اعظم من المال ....

اتبرع بساعتين يوميا لخدمة هذه الجمعية الرائعة....

كيف لي انسق معكم وان اساهم وان ادعم واساعدكم يوميا لمدة ساعتين.....


Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of USA Aug 19, 2003


I tried to go to the site for the World Arabic Translators Association ( but was unable to link toit. Can you help me?

I am an English-Arabic Translator.

Can you tell me how I can get a copy of the books you translated on Saudi Business Law?


Bill Tierney

[Edited at 2003-08-19 06:10]

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of Jordan Aug 20, 2003

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أما بعد:
فانه ليطيب لي ان أنضم الى جمعيتكم الموقرة راجيا قبولي عضوا فيها وأنني احمل درجة الدكتوراه في اللغة العربية برتبة بروفيسور (أستاذ)وأنا خريج الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية . لدي خبرة في مجال الترجمة من العربية إلى الإنجليزية والعكس

والسلام عليكم

أ.د. علي

Amer al-Azem
Amer al-Azem
Local time: 09:21
English to Arabic
+ ...
Message of UAE Aug 24, 2003

Dear Amer,

Thank you for your email. I am Sudanese and holder of BA from the University of Cairo, Khartoum Branch.
I work for a Dubai-based bank as a translator since
1992; I had worked in Libya and Saudi Arabia.

I am preparing now for the translation diploma exam sponsored by the Institute of Linguists, London, UK to be held in January, 2004.I also plan to do an MA and
then PhD in translation in the future.

My translation portfolio cove
... See more
Dear Amer,

Thank you for your email. I am Sudanese and holder of BA from the University of Cairo, Khartoum Branch.
I work for a Dubai-based bank as a translator since
1992; I had worked in Libya and Saudi Arabia.

I am preparing now for the translation diploma exam sponsored by the Institute of Linguists, London, UK to be held in January, 2004.I also plan to do an MA and
then PhD in translation in the future.

My translation portfolio cover a wide range of fields,including banking and finance, legal, medical,technical, advertising etc.

I hope that the above information are sufficient to introduce myself to you. I intend to join ARABWATA very soon; the super star statistics are horrifying!

My best regards.



أهلا أخي

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