Important For Translation... Arabic
Thread poster: Hayyan
Local time: 14:33
English to Arabic
Aug 12, 2008

Collocation : Words that go together , agreement of words that sounds natural , acceptable in English . It refers to the type of features that characterize certain combination of words in sentences . It is the way words are used together regularly .

Collocation has three forms :
1. V+ N collocation :
- Take an exam . Not * make an exam .
- Attend the lecture . يحضر المحاضرة
- Attend the church / mosque . ذهب إلى الكنيسة / الج�
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Collocation : Words that go together , agreement of words that sounds natural , acceptable in English . It refers to the type of features that characterize certain combination of words in sentences . It is the way words are used together regularly .

Collocation has three forms :
1. V+ N collocation :
- Take an exam . Not * make an exam .
- Attend the lecture . يحضر المحاضرة
- Attend the church / mosque . ذهب إلى الكنيسة / الجامع
- Attend a meeting .
- Ask a permission / question / favor . يطلب الإذن
- Achieve success / purpose / distinction . يحقق هدفه / نجاحاً
- Enroll / register a university . يدخل الجامعة
- Abandon ship / hope . يتخلى عن سفينة / أمل
- Support an idea / theory / political party / team / family .
يدعم / يؤيد / يناصر / يعتنق
- Perform an operation . يجري عملية
- Held a discussion . يجري مناقشة

Do or Make ?
Do or make are each used in many expressions about which there is
no rule , but very often , one makes something that was not before i.e.
I will create it .
- To make a cake .
- To make a noise .
- To make fire .
But one does an action .
- To do the shopping .
- To do the exercise .
- To do the homework . 1

What is the difference between ' of ' and ' from ' ?
- The table is made of wood .
- The bread is made from corn .
' from ' is used when the result no longer looks like the original
material . And 'of ' is used when something is simpler has been done.
1- To deliver a lecture . يلقي محاضرة
To give a lecture .
2- To strike a terror in his heart . يلقي الرعب في قلبه
3- Make a speech . يلقي خطاب
Deliver a speech .
4- Give up / surrender . يلقي السلاح
To lay down the one's arm .
5- To lay / place responsibility . يلقي المسؤولية
On someone's shoulder .
6- To say hello / to greet someone . يلقي التحية

2. N + v collocation :
- Incident takes place / happens / occurs .
- Anger mounts / flares up . انفجر غاضباً
- Aggression mounts . تصاعد العدوان
- Anger bates . خمد غضبه
- Aggression bates . خمد العدوان
- The disease / pain / storm mounts .
- The disease / pain / storm bates .
- The beauty fades . ذبل الجمال
- The need arises . دعت الحاجة
- The war is waged / broken out / declared .اندلعت الحرب

3. Adj. + N collocation :
- Strong coffee Not * powerful coffee .
The difference between literal translation and honest translation .
Avoid literal translation which is word by word translation . The distinction between honest translation and literal translation is so
tiny but it is very important . Honesty of translation implies that the translator does his / her best to provide the reader with the soul,

thoughts , feelings and the implied message of the original text of the author . On the other hand , literal translation fails to do and achieve these goals .

The requirements of good translator :
- Mastery of two languages .
- Complete knowledge of the grammar of both languages .
- Understanding the implied meaning of the text .
- The translator should be aware of the author's intention .
- Transfer the message of the text into the target language and produce the same effects .

أغنية صغيرة

1- إليك يا صغيرتي أغنية صغيرة .
2- عن طائر صغير .
3- في عشه واحده الزغيب .
4- وإلفه الحبيب .
5- يكفيهما من الشراب حسوتا منقار .
6- ومن بيادر الغلال حبتان .
7- وفي ظلام الليل يعقد الجناح صرة من الحنان .
8- على وحيده الزغيب .
9- ذات مساء حط من عالي السماء أجدل منهوم .
10- ليشرب الدماء .
11- ويعلك الأشلاء و الدماء .
12- وحار طائري الصغير برهة , ثم انتفض .
13- معذرة صديقتي , حكايتي حزينة الختام .
14- لأنني حزين .

1- For my love I shall sing a small song .
2- About the small bird .
3- Who lived with his fresh plumed bird .
4- And his beloved in his nest .
5- The soft smooth touch of their beaks sufficed as a drink .
6- Couple grains of the winnowing sustained their life .
7- In the darkness , he nestles his little bird under his wings .
8- On his fresh plumed bird .
9- One evening a greedy hawk swooped from the heights .
10- To drink their blood .
11- To tear their flesh .
12- For a while , my little bird suffered then he quivered in a spasm
of death .
13- Sorrow my love , my tale has a sad ending .
14- For I am filled with sadness .

Best Wishes


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Important For Translation... Arabic

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