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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translators' Autumn Drinks at Bar Akva

October 19, 2017, 8:30 pm
Reino UnidoEdinburghIn personinglés
Hi folks

Yes, it's that time of year again - time to get signed up for the Edinburgh Translators' autumn drinks meetup!

We are planning to meet in AKVA once again, at Fountainbridge at the end of the Union Canal.

This is a great opportunity to meet fellow translators, have a drink, swap stories and generally have a good time. Further details about the venue can be found here:

Here's a map:

Please sign up below asap if you plan on joining us. And as ever, PLEASE remember to change your attendance status to 'Yes' or 'Maybe' in the right hand column in the attendance section below right after you sign up. This is done by logging into your Proz account, and clicking the black arrows in the "Will Attend" column in the table below. (You can always change it to 'No' later if your plans change).

This is very important for me and Ely (my co-organizer) in calculating accurate numbers, so we can tell the bar staff at the venue.

Thanks so much, and see you soon!


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (20) / Confirmed: 12 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Julian Wagstaff  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Looking forward to seeing you all again!  y
Marion Lurf   ...  y
Cornelius Gillen   ...  y
Eleonore Wapler   ...  y
Kaja Grzegorczyn   ...  m
Ramon Inglada   Unfortunately I'm not sure I'll be able to attend this time, as I'll be teaching a course till late that day. Have fun anyway!  m
David Miralles Pérez   ...  m
Denise Muir  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Just moved back to Edinburgh! Excited to come along.  y
Cesar Ayala   I will go!  y
Caroline Mandler   ...  n
Miranda Stewart   ...  y
XTom Ellett (X)   Unfortunately won't make it down from Perth. Another time, I hope!  n
Manuela Junghans   Unfortunately I won´t be able to make this one, but looking forward to seeing you all at the x-mas powwow. Have fun!  n
Alicja Weikop   ...  y
Vivien Green   ...  y
Pernille Chapman   ...  y
stephenkells   ...  y
Daniel Williams   ...  y
Graeme High   Still juggling with times, may arrive a little later, but hopefully will make it....  m
Hannah Burrow   ...  

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